Winter is always a challenging time for me, as I know it is for many. The shorter days and gloomy weather can often distract me from my routines, and make me want to put things off that I would normally do. I’m always a big advocate for self-love, but I find it extra vital to my happiness during these colder months. Here are a few ways I help practice self-love in the winter: 1. STAY ACTIVE Exercise not only helps me de-stress, but it also pulls me out of the house. I tend to gravitate towards yoga in the winter months to stretch out any tight muscles and keep me feeling balanced. I also try and walk more in the...
Occasionally I get a little bit of a lost feeling, or feel out of focus. Most people feel a sense of ‘unconscious living’ at some point - whether that’s finding ourselves in a job that isn’t fulfilling, filling our days with busy work instead of working towards a goal, wishing we could spend more time with loved ones, or simply feeling stuck in a rut. It’s these moments that make me reset and focus on living consciously.Living consciously can mean a variety of things to different people, but what is truly boils down to is making conscious choices rather than doing things without thinking. That can be anything and everything from making better eco-friendly choices adding ritual into parts of...
I admit that many things in my life sometimes feel like a chore, but I wanted to change that outlook and creating rituals around my daily routines made them more enjoyable and beautiful. MAVE New York was created for that exact purpose - to add beauty into a routine that typically felt like a “have to."